
  • School and District Councils

    The District encourages parent and community involvement in the schools and offers various opportunities for participation in the educational process including school site councils and the District Planning and Steering Council.

    The Planning and Steering Council facilitates and monitors all processes and procedures related to the development, refinement and/or implementation of goals for learning and learning environments, curriculum, material adoptions, student assessments, student progress reports, school and department budgets, school and department improvement plans and professional development plans and practices.

    Membership on Site Councils is strictly voluntary and must minimally include the following representation: parents of pupils enrolled at the school who are not employees of the District (equal to the number of teachers), teachers (equal to the number of parents) noncertified employees, community members and the principal. The responsibilities of the Site Council are to facilitate school improvement planning regarding agreed-upon school qualities, short-term problem solving regarding school-level issues, school budget development and staff selection. The councils also promote communication between stakeholders and decision-making groups and are responsible for team growth. Members are elected through a democratic process to serve for one or two-year terms. If you are interested in serving on your school's Site Council, contact your school office. School Site Councils are formed in accordance with A.R.S. (Arizona Revised Statutes) 15-351 - 15-352.

    The responsibility of each council is as follows:

    Planning and Steering Council

    * To facilitate and monitor all processes and procedures related to the development and/or refinement and or implementation of:

    • Goals for learning and learning environments
    • Curriculum Material adoptions
    • Student assessments
    • Student progress reports
    • School and department budgets
    • School and department improvement plans
    • Professional development plans and practices
    • Other programs, practices as determined by the Superintendent

    * To communicate with various constituencies, other councils, the Superintendent and the Board

    * To conduct other activities as deemed necessary by the Superintendent

    Site Councils (see individual schools for more information)

    * To facilitate and monitor:

    • School improvement planning
    • Short-term problem solving
    • School budget development
    • Staff selection
    • Team growth/development
    • Communication with various committees
    • Other activities as deemed necessary by the Superintendent