Business Services

  • The Business Services Department is responsible for the overall fiscal and operational management of the Washington Elementary School District.
    The areas specifically under the oversight of the Business Services Director are Audit Services, Capital Projects and Facility Planning, Finance, Inventory Control,  Information Services, Materials Management,  Purchasing, and Transportation. These departments ensure that the District is in compliance with Federal, State and local guidelines regarding internal controls, financial reporting, payment of wages and procurement. Other areas of responsibility include budget and revenue projections as well as bond and election process compliance.

    The Student Data Manager and the Registration Center and Student Records are also under the oversight of the Business Services Director.  The Registration Center is responsible for overseeing the District's student enrollment processes to ensure that all state requirements are met and provides assistance to schools regarding data corrections and training so that the District receives the maximum allowable funding.
    The Internal Auditor visits schools and departments to determine if administrative policies and directives are being followed; internal controls system is adequate and effective; assets are being properly safeguarded; checks the accuracy and completeness of accounting and financial records; and the degree of compliance with legal requirements.
  • Daniel O'Brien