About Acacia Elementary School

  • Acacia Elementary School is an Arizona A++++ School of Excellence (awarded in 2010, 2014, 2018 and 2023) and a National Title I Distinguished School (2013). We are committed to achieving excellence for every child, every day, every opportunity. Acacia Elementary School's curriculum is fully aligned with State Standards. Acacia Elementary provides an effective kindergarten through sixth grade education. In addition, a preschool program, as well as before- and after-school day care services are available at Acacia. We meet the needs of gifted students through our Project Potential program, offer extended learning disabled resource for special education needs and provide art, music and PE for all grade levels. We educate students using differentiated learning techniques drawing upon the multiple intelligences.

    Acacia, along with many other schools within the Washington Elementary School District, use Positive Behavior Intervention and Supports (PBIS).  PBIS is used as a proactive approach to establishing the behavioral supports and social culture needed for all students to achieve social, emotional, and academic success. We have valuable partnerships with the community and businesses.  We appreciate their involvement as we work together to make Acacia the best it can be. The Acacia PTA conducts many community activities for families. We are proud to be able to bridge the gap between our school and the community we serve.

    Our Mission

    The mission of Acacia Elementary, in partnership with parents and community, is to provide a safe, comfortable and cooperative environment ensuring that all students develop the knowledge, skills and character necessary to achieve their highest potential; and to become productive members of an ever-changing global society.

  •    front of acacia student working on art  happy group of children and adults