Visiting Campus

  • All visitors must report to the school office.    All visitors must sign in the school visitors log and leave a valid form of identification with the office.  All visitors coming to pick up children or see children must have a valid identification.

    Picking up a Student Early

    If you need to pick up your student for an appointment, you need to come to the school office and sign the student out.    You must have appropriate ID.   We ID all people picking up students and make sure they are listed on the student's information data.   If you do not have ID or are not listed on the student information data, you will not be allowed to take the child from school.

    Please remember all student information is confidential and the school will not provide any student information or make dismissal plan changes over the phone. You will need to come into the office during our office hours with a valid ID and be the parent or legal guardian of the student.

    The last 40 minutes of the school day is a time when teachers are going over homework, some classes are transitioning back to their homeroom, and others are taking care of end-of-day business with the students.   We ask that you not pick students up during the last 40 minutes of the school day; please wait the extra 40 minutes for dismissal.

    Visting a Teacher

    An appointment needs to be made with the teacher in advance to visit the classroom.  Our teachers appreciate the opportunity to confer with parents, but will not be able to do so while instructing their classes.

    Visiting for Lunch

    Parents who would like to meet their child for lunch need to sign in at the school office and leave a valid ID.  Only parents and guardians will be allowed to eat with students at lunch.   Siblings and friends who would like to eat with a student must be in the company of the student's parent or guardian.

    If a parent wishes to drop off food, we ask that you bring the items to the office, and the office staff will contact the student to pick up the items left.

    Dropping Off Items for Students

    If you are dropping off a student's backpack, homework or any other item that should have been brought to school, please bring those items to the front office.   We will contact the teacher, and the student will be sent to the office to pick up the items.