
  • Welcome to the Washington Library!

    Library Hours

    During the school year, our regular hours are from 8:00  a.m. until 3:15 p.m., Monday through Friday. The library is closed during school holidays.


    The purpose of the Washington Elementary School Library is to support our students' education as lifelong learners and readers by putting resources in the hands of students and the school community, encouraging students to read, teaching students the skills necessary to evaluate information, and encouraging student responsibility. 


    The Washington Elementary School library is:

    • both a physical and an online space that provides excellent resources and instruction which engage students and the entire school community in the joys of learning and reading.

    • a place where the school community can find supportive staff, volunteers, colleagues and students who value diversity and respect the dignity of each individual in our community.

    • a service organization which provides access to information, books and resources that help individuals, classrooms and collaborative groups meet their learning goals.
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    Password: Read