The Guild

  • The Guild

    The Abraham Lincoln Traditional School Guild is a nonprofit corporation (501-c3) formed by parents of Abraham Lincoln Traditional School. The Guild is governed by its members. The main objective of the Guild is to acknowledge that all Abraham Lincoln Traditional School children deserve the best possible education, filled with positive learning experiences. The Guild provides volunteer and financial support to the principal, teachers, Site Council and the Executive Board for meetingschool needs.


    Guild membership is open to all. The dues are currently $10. Parents are encouraged to contribute an amount of $5 per child in addition to their regular membership dues. The Guild meets monthly throughout the school year. Officers are elected each May and may serve a one-year term.


    The philosophy of fund-raising at Abraham Lincoln Traditional School is different from most schools. School is the equivalent of a child’s full-time job. Parents are responsible for most of the school fund-raising. The Guild raises funds in several ways. Membership and the Spring Fling are the two major fund-raisers.

  • Contact the Guild