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Principal's Message

Welcome to Mountain Sky, home of the Eagles!

Mountain Sky has a rich tradition of student success.  As the new principal,  I am looking forward to getting to know all of our students, families and community members over the coming weeks.  I am committed to supporting Mountain Sky's vision of achieving excellence for every child, every day, at every opportunity.

As a middle school, Mountain Sky works purposefully and specifically toward the needs of students in their preteen year.  These are crucial and important years, and we work to target not just their academic needs, but their variety of personal and social needs.  We know that our students live in an imperfect world, and they face difficult decisions and challenges daily.  Our goal is to work with them regularly on making good decisions, building their social skills and facing the work with confidence.  Doing that takes hard-working adults, who respect and understand the uniqueness of preteen years.  We take pride in our transitional outlook and the structure of our school, which helps to facilitate our goals.  Under a middle school philosophy, we take the best of both elementary and high school structures.  By creating academic teams, we allow for a smaller school-within-a-school feeling and improve integration and communication.  To support their personal needs, we provide students with a daily advisory period, when we focus on communication skills, organization, team building and goal setting . Beyond the core academic day, we offer outstanding programs in the form of electives, extracurricular organizations, sports and co-curricular experiences.

Programs such as our music, which encompass over half of our students, and allows students to perform locally and compete nationally with accolades, we believe, make us unique.  Our advanced  and gifted classes, which produce academic awards and leaders, are sought out by families from neighboring communities.  For students who need help and support, we have created Tier 2 and 3 accelerations, with highly skilled teachers, who target specific needs. In a day and age where funding is tight, it takes dedicated, highly trained and driven staff to do more.

In order to better prepare our students with 21st Century skills, we have created two courses of study to help students plan for their future; STEAM and entrepreneurism.  Both paths have a series of electives to be taken over the two-year experience during the elective or exploratory time.

At Mountain Sky, we know that parent and community partnerships are essential elements of the learning process.  We encourage you to be a member of the E.A.G.L.E. family and become involved in school planning and activities.  One way to get involved is to become a part of our Site Council, which meets on the first Tuesday of every month in the library, and/or become a member of our PTO. Our PTO is an integral part of the programs and events we have on campus.

If you have further questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to contact me.   I look forward to a positive and productive school year and getting to know you.  Together, we will SOAR!

BE and E.A.G.L.E.

Earns respect by respecting others first

Actis on initiative

Goes the extra mile to "take care of the nest"

Leads when a leader is needed, follows when others need to lead

Encourages others to soar


Julia Herman