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- Healthcare Bluebook
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Healthcare Bluebook
Healthcare Blue Book is an online tool, available to members on the PPO and HDHP plans, that enables you to find the best prices for healthcare services you may need (and potentially earn rewards for doing so!).
With Healthcare Bluebook, you can shop for care so that you get the most affordable care available in your area, from high quality providers.Access Healthcare Blue BookWhen prompted, log in with your last name and the last four digits of your social security number for District-specific content.You can also download the app for easy access. If not enrolled in an eligible medical plan, you may still access the public site at .
Why use a healthcare pricing tool?
Posted by:- Healthcare costs have doubled in the past 9 years
- In-network prices for most healthcare services vary by 300% to 500% or more, depending on the provider
- A sleep study (see example to right) can cost under $1,000 or over $3,500 in the same town
- Your friends and neighbors may already be saving by using Healthcare Bluebook
- You too can reduce your healthcare costs by becoming a true healthcare consumer
Am I required to utilize Healthcare Blue Book if I am on a District medical plan?
Posted by:Absolutely not. Healthcare Blue Book is a resource available to help you become an educated consumer of healthcare, as you are for other products and services.Because the District is a self-funded medical plan, all members benefit from cost containment. So, cash rewards are available for employees who choose fair-priced providers for common services. (fifteen services are eligible, such as a colonoscopy.) -
How does Healthcare Bluebook work?
Posted by:- Search for services by using drop down menus or searching on key terms
- Learn the Fair Price you should pay in your area and how much you can save by making cost effective choices; prices are based on your local area
- You can then compare specific providers on both cost and quality
What is the Fair Price?
Posted by:- The amount that you should reasonably expect to pay in-network
- Based on the local mix of prices – not the lowest price
- Multiple providers are available at or below the fair price
How do I access Healthcare Bluebook?
Posted by:Start here:
When prompted, enter your last name and last 4 of Social Security number to log in
How do I search for the price of a service?
Posted by:- Select from a drop down box
- Enter a search term in the search box
- Select the service from the results list
- The Fair Price or the price range, from low to high, will be shown
What do the colors mean?
Posted by:- Green = at or below the Fair Price
- Yellow = somewhat above the Fair Price
- Red = among the most expensive providers
How do I find a provider at the Fair Price?
Posted by:- Providers are listed with their color price rating
- Click on a facility to get more information and see physicians who practice at that facility
- Maps, price ratings and quality ratings are provided
What if there aren¡¯t any providers listed for my area?
Posted by:- Healthcare Bluebook helps you understand the price you should pay for care in your area
- Use the Fair Price in conjunction with your provider directory (www.aetna.com/docfind/home.do) to call local providers and find one that charges at or near the Fair Price. For assistance, contact American Health Group at 602-265-3800.