• Vision:
    Translation Services is committed to serving the Washington Elementary School District’s non-English speaking population by providing both translation and interpretation services in their native language to facilitate communication between the school and the home.

    The mission of the Washington Elementary School District’s Translation Services is to help students succeed by facilitating and broadening the home-school connection.

    We stand for:

    • Building trust in our families - we see them, we hear them, we acknowledge them, and we value them.
    • Building a foundation of cultural understanding among all families coming from far and near.
    • Providing a reliable voice to our families for expressing themselves.
    • Creating a safe environment for families to reach out and connect with us.
    • Providing accurate translation instead of having our families rely on available online platforms.

    The Administrator of Equitable Services oversees the Translation Services Department.

  • Ynes Garcia
    Coordinator of Translation Services
    Hilda Flores
    Senior Translator

    Brigitte Sotomayor
    Senior Translator